Thursday, March 15, 2012

3/15/12 WHO AM I???

That is the question I have been asking myself since my 1st walk with Ava this week.
1. I read some posts and status updates on FB and I got up, got dressed and got to running w/ Ava (my treadmill) for the first time in a long time.
2. I made a "Date" with Ava, wrote them down and told my husband so i could have an accountability partner
3. I agreed to work a double shift the next day at work (930a - 930p) at a moments notice with now frustrations at all about it bcs....I WAS in a GREAT mood and had a ton of energy!
3. I knew I was able to keep my fitness date with Ava that night as planned bcs of this ...SO i did what any person would do I slipped back into my ways and went to bed at 3AM!
4. I woke up before the alarm (730) talked with the hubby and WAS going to go back to sleep, after all i don't have to be at work till1pm today...
5. Jumped out of bed by 745am got dressed and hurried to Ava...I was AWAKE and feeling good so why not make my date with her early today

YEAH so who the heck am I?  Will this last forever?  Will i see results soon?  AND..............The questions in my mind are endless and I have come to find that THIS above all else is one of my downfalls.  I am trying to accept the fact that every question does not HAVE to HAVE and answer.  WHAT WHAT?  I know huh pretty cool.  I know that these euphoric feels may come the may go but job..scratch that my JOY is to soak it in a record this feeling in my memory banks so that if the time comes that i feel down on myself i can pull from this day the JOY and health I felt!

So these are my thoughts today!  Yes to lose 67 lbs is ALOT but I eat ALOT to get here it only makes sense that I will have to go THUR ALOT to lose it and I am OK with that. 

Heck what i will be losing is fatigue, tiredness, irritation, low self esteem, the feeling of never accomplishing my goal in fitness, double digits in my clothing, the frustration of looking in the mirror of the dressing room and crying bcs nothing fits and if it does it has no fashion to it bcs after all who can make a trash bag look good? (Maybe the peeps on Project runway but hell this is real life)

What I will gain is health, longer life, fun active play days with the kids, more energy, better sleep, a better outlook on myself, healthier eating habits, more money (Hey no eating out all the time), to be able to set a great example for the kids, to enjoy the warmness of a good hug from my hubby (instead of feeling like I am a whale being hugged by a man).  Better fitting clothes and soooo much more!

So yeah I think I am ready to take on today!  I will take one day at a time.  I am 36 years old and I finally understand what that really feels like and I can relate now to those who have had to cling to that motto.  I am trying to break my FOOD ADDICTION and this is a step in the right direction!

Keep Runnin

Walk/run with Ava
30 mins
280 calories
1.76 miles
incline 4-6
Speed 3.5-4.5
Goal wieght loss 67 YES I Said it 67lbs i need to lose to be in my healthy range