Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/11/10 SHUT Up! I am so stinkin TIREd ~ PTS #7

Personal Trainer Info:

Jonathan Pena (Angleton Local)
Cell: 832-519-6203
Currently: Running a boot camp that meets 3 days a week at Dickey Park
OMG...I am sooooo TIREd!  Today was PTS #6 and I am loving it more now than I did when I started.  I had alot of firsts today.  THe first time I did not proclaim to "Hate" Killer AND the first time I went the entire PTS and did not have "that feeling" at ALL!  I think this is bcs I took the advice or Lorella & Killer about eating better and "FUELING My boday rathen than FEED my hunger"

Today we started out in a new place...I hate CHANGE but i rolled with it (almost literally).  We met at a football field and we had to do a Mile warm up.  I mmust say I had all those old HS feelings come up...just recalling how i had to RUN 4 times around this God forsakin pit in order to clock a mile for some reason that reeally jacks with my head.  I mean i know that 4 laps is a mile but 1/2 the reason i run and train at the park is bcs it is 2 times to make a mile 2 times aorund I can handle, but 4? COME ON your Killin me Smalls!
Another reason I hate the field is bcs of the uneven ground!  That reaks havic on my calves.  I had to actually stop for the first time ever in the run part of PTS bcs of the pain in my calves.  I hate gravel I even posted a note on it on my FB called "Gravel is EVIL"..It truly is! 

Today we had us 4 regulars and 2 newbies....5 gals and 1 guy this make up out Motely crew!  It is nice to bearoudn so many different peeps. 
Now I did finish last in the run and i did feel like the fat girl in gym class but not in a get down on myself bad way more like a i need to change this kinda way.  Now the one thing I love about this crew is that I am the "biggest" and the "slowest" but they dont treat me like I am...they treat me like one of them...and Jonathan doesnt treat me like that either he treats me like a "normal" person just there to get healthier and better.  That feels good.  He challanges me to push myself.  I like that.  I feel so much better about myself lately and that is nice.

Now after the flash back to '94 we all got together and did 3 rounds of Push ups, set ups, and "plank slaps" (heee heee that sounds funny) ANY WHOOOOO...On the push ups I can actually bust out 20 (girl style but still) and be feelin good.  I know I can work on my form a little more that will come in time.  My sit ups and ab stuff I am doing alot better in.  the plank still gets me....BUT hey i am still a work in progress.

Next off to the tire terror...this crazy brough in like 18 wheeler size tires form oh i dont know "Tire Hell" and briught them for us all to enjoy.  We did some crazy tire drill that just reassured me that i need a better sports bra!

Nest it is off to "Arm Hell" this is were we stand around watching the person across form us struggle as much as we are in this exercise.  we did a 3 seperate moves and 2 rounds = 75!
Nest it was off to the lunges...I am actually ok with lunges...oh crap he may be reading this..lol 2 sets there
and then to the "Obstacle of Pain"....I swear he stays up and night thinking of new ways tokill us especially since he knows that i blog about him :)

So on this "Obstacle of Pain" lets just say Run, Tires, side shuffles, sprint, back peddles, sprint, tires oh and dont for get he like things in multiples so we did this 3 times.

At the end as I was gasping for air I was thinking "Dam if i never see another tire again that will be too soon" just as soon as I said that Killer interjects "Oh and you will probably be seeing these tires from now till the end (June)"  my thought?  "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR WHAT?"  Then I thought well he IS the trainer he knows best...dont tell him that dont want himt o get a big head LOL ;)

Well I did it ...and at the end of the day I realized i didnt have "that feeling".  That really excited me (I know the little things huh?)

Let me tell ya something...I have always thought that if a goal you are trying to reach costs you dearly you: 1.) Will achive it in a "healthier" manner
2.) Appreciate it more deaarly when you have it
3.) Think about what you do in order not to lose it....

As I was there sweating, moanig, gripping BUT doing the work i thought...MAN this getting healthier and FIT is really important to me...I can't wait till I get there, I cant wait to maintain it.  And I know sure as the PAIN is still there that i will most diffinately think 2,3,4 times bf  I eat unhealty/emotionally or take time of from working out.

I have already noticed a differenace in how i eat now...more on that on another blog...

Till Next Time
Keep Runnin
