Wednesday, May 5, 2010

4/22/10 Got me another Challenge!

Well went to the park today adn I decided to take it easy since I
A) was still breaking in the shoes I bought
B) Have a race on Sat
C) still allowing the 2 blisters I have to heal.
SOOOOO brenda and I wnet and did our 4 miles.

Now since I have been walking at D.P (My favorite park in town) I had been noticing a group of people (same looking group each time) working out -Drills, running, squats ect. while i run. They have been led by the same person each time. I wanted to ask if he was thier personal trainer but had so much els on my plate i never asked.
Then tonight after we ran they were finished and sitting in the same area we were. When asked about the trainer one of the 2 ladies there immidiately said how wonderful the program was and what an awesome job the trainer does. (He wasnt there and mind you she just got down working her tail off so i listened to what she had to say!)

She told of why she started, when she started and some of the drills he puts them through. She said she feels great and that he really cares and takes time to call or email when you miss a session and so foruth. Well that was it i thought ok maybe i can try this for a fe mos and see how it works out....i mean what is the harm.

So I eventually talked to him (Jonathan Pena of JP Fitness). The prices are very reasonable. I have seen him with his clients for a few weeks...he seems to have a great work out program as well as a good rapport with his clients.

When I talke to him as well he was very friendly not intimidateing like some other trainers i have talked to. So after a talk with Jason we aggreed that I can try the program for 3 mos and see how i like it. YEA I am so excited.

Tomorrow it is packing and then off to Frederickburg...Sat the run...OH and I have a friend coming along after all..Brenda T. will be coming i am soooooo happy that i will not be alone! Wish us luck and say a prayer for our travels!

Till Next time
Keep Runnin,


5/4/10 PTS #4 ~ Nervous Smervous

Today I must admit I was VERRRY nervous about going to PTS.

Mainly bcs I saw that Mr. Sun would have no mercy on us today AND I knew I had only eaten ONCE before I went to PTS. At that is was a salad and a 1/2 can of soup at 2pm. I know weird huh. TO be the size I am and then to eat like that. Well here is my dirty little secret.

1. I don’t like breakfast foods ~ therefore I will skip the meal rather than eat
2. IF I skip the meal I am not hungry till 1 or 2 pm
3. If I wait to have my first meal then I can go healthy
BUT where I go bad is
4. LATE NIGHT eating, snacking or portion control
5. By dinner I am starving and will have 2 helpings at least of the dinner (Shut up don’t judge me)

I know that all reeks bad but that is what it has been for me.

Over the last several mos. I have read & heard so much about food and diet (way of eating I hate the D word). What I am learning was only brought into clear focus today as I read a status update from my Calif mentor (Lorella Crew) if you read her story you would know why she is my "Shero". She said
"FUEL my body rather than FEED my hunger" (I hope I got that right Rella). For some crazy reason I read that and allllllll the stuff I have been hearing and reading just came into clear focus. I told myself “DUH HELLO sista where have you been that sums it all up."

Then today I had PTS and Killer cave me some nutritional info and in it it had a sample daily "fueling Schedule" and it all clicked. This is a major thinking change for me and first thing tomorrow I am on board. I DID come home and have a healthy dinner and I feel great. I already set some snacks (Apple and almonds) aside for me to eat tonight IF I HAVE to eat anything else.

Meanwhile back at the park. We all got there and the sun was up and high! I was so nervous I would get that "feeling" again esp. bcs I had all of nothing to eat today. Well we warmed up with a mile run..I didn’t feel like a Runnin Munchkin today...still not like Carl Lewis but I felt better.

We came to the "Circle of Love" and did a pretty awesome work out consisting of Running, squats, abs and Running OH and a new lil thing I like to call "River Dance" well Killer actually came up with that but it was so fitting. That one I will work on throughout the was something totally do-able and helpful.

We also had to do these "jumps" (Killer you know the ones) I have to say I was not too keen on made me go back to my "Fat Talk" and that was not cool with me. BUT I am hoping that with some of this weight gone it will get better. That is one Personal Challenge I would like to work on (Killer can you follow thru on that with me?)

After all this we did ab work and I found all this to be "do-able" as well and I hope to incorporate it in my daily activity.

funny thing is that Bf the PTS killer checked in on me and i mentioned to him i was Nervous...didnt hear anything else after thaat.

When the session was over as I was walking away he said "See nothing to be nervous about you did a good job today"
Little things like that (words of encouragement) really make me feel good about choosing JPFitness and Jonathan to help me in this. It is a HUGE thng to me. Thanks Jonathan

Also thank you to Lorella, Shannan H, Mom, Laura M, Andrea, Brenda, Kay, Crystal, Steve S, Glendon, Bobbye, Joanie and Momma C for reading my blogs, sharing kind words as well as your belief in me along this journey.

You have no idea how your words and prayers fuel me. I think of all of them while I am out there runnin, walking, joggin or in training. I am truely blessed.

Till next time
Keep Runnin

5/3/10 Is there a such thing as an "Empty Walk?"

By this I mean I didnt feel challenged...I felt aches YES but Challenge no.

I think where i went wrong was that I staarted "talking" that led to "venting" to my gals, and that venting sucked the life right out of me.
I have had A LOT on my mind over the last several months (safe to say 18 mos.) it has been ok and I have been able to keep it at bay for a while, but this week adn tongiht it has just caught up with me and when i started to talk about it, it was like giving life to negativity and it was draining to say the least.
I did walk 3.5 miles but still the entire time my mind was elsewhere..I paid no attention to my breathing, stretching, form or anything valuable.
I think it is safe to say that i have just had an OFF day.
The crazy thing is dare i say i am actually looking forward to my PTS #4 tomorrow...shhhhh dont tell Killer i wrote that lol ;)

On a happier note I am feeling a difference in the way my clothes are fitting (All be it a small diff. it is a diff nonetheless and one i welcome)

Tonight i also took my boys and daughter with me and I normally DONT do that...and with good reason. the boys are good with being in the jogging stroller NORMALLY but i failed to read the memo that said "Hey mom this is NOT a normal day" Needless to say they were acting like wild banchies. The boys not Mari LOL.
So I was focused on them and doing the whole.."Sit down, behave, dont make me have to come over there and buckel u in" routine. This do took from my resevior of sanity.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO off day it is!

i will be out in the heat tomorrow sweatin like a pig so i am sure by then i will be wanting this "Emptiness" back lol.

Till tomorrow
Keep Runnin


And thanks to Crystal, Brenda & Kay for listening and being there and for keeping things just between US.

And Angelica it was soo nice to see ya!

5/1/10 P.T.S. #3 “May Day May Day!”

Well this is a little late…we went outta town on Sat after my PTS so i did not have time to blog on it (You can thank Jason my hubby for that lol)

Well to be honest with you I had been kinda dreading this Sat. PTS for 3 reasons……
1.) In the AM ~ we all know how I LOVE AM rituals. It has been sooooo stinkin difficult for me to wake up in the AM’s that I avoid planning anything if I can at all help it.

2.) The “Sat. Thing” ~ we also know how hard it is for me to follow thru with Sat work outs no matter how much good intension I have or how good I did that week at working out.

3.) "That Feeling” ~ as you saw in the first 2 sessions I had “That feeling” aka wanted to upchuck during the other sessions and that was with me eating hours before I came to work out. I was scared crazy to say the least about how I was gonna handled it by eating only 30 mis. Before I went…

So for those 3 reasons I was worried and stomach in knots the night before. I tried to go to bed early (well relatively early 11pm) and I set my clothes out the night before as well as set my alarm for 2 different times just in case I didn’t hear the first one. I made up my mind that I would eat dry toast and crystal light (My fave now) bf I went.

So I laid down and closed my eyes as tight as I could only to find I laid there for another 45 mins as I went over and over in my head the chain of events that would soon be happening… some point I fell asleep.

I woke up with the first and then the SECOND alarm…

I woke up got ready got my toast and headed out. Got there on time and now the fun began!

We ran a 1 mile warm up you may be thinking “Hey that should be easy enough for you …Mrs. 5k” Yeah well NO it was a struggle for me I felt tight and like I was 3 foot tall trying to run with tightened muscles (Yes I did stretch) I just felt short and stout ya know? I felt like I was taking a million tiny steps and it was taking o much effort and time for me to complete this. I was pretty much embarrassed to tell ya the truth. I was actually thinking “So here I am a ‘Runnin Munchkin’ and I am feeling as if I am on mile 13 of a 200 mile run how the heck am I going to run a 26 miler, a 12 miler, a 6 miler, a 3.2 miler or even another step….what an I doing here is this what I want?” Why is it this question of “Why am I here” haunts me when things get tough? I hate that it make me doubt myself and my intentions as well as be littles the results I have seen. I will let ya know when I find this out!

Next we plopped down (well I did) and did ab work *what joy I felt!* (*note sarcasm*).

Then it was off to the “Circle of Love” man Killer has some pretty sick names for things lol…so we did this “circle of pain” I mean Love and it was just *great*. It consisted of running, back peddling, sidekicks and other great stuff. After this we went to our Stations….Kicks, Squats with like a *50 lb* weight on our backs and arm presses using rubber bands. We went thru the stations twice.
Then more ab work I believe I don’t recall by this time I was fading and gripping and sweating up a stinkin storm. It was a HUMID nasty sunny morning! YUCK.
I remember thinking wow I haven’t had the feeling yet cool! BUT by 45 mins in there it was good ol faithful my “feelings” I was thinking “Hey I had like ½ a toast what really can come up?” Thank goodness on this day I had no bad answer to that question! I pushed thru it and it was ok. So the last bit we RAN and RAN and RAN and RAN and RAN and RAN and what better thing for the “Runnin Munchkin” to do since I was already feeling so dang confident! Oh and it wasn’t RUNNING it was SPRINTING (short distances) AND coming in LAST each TIME and that makes a “Runnin Munchkin” feel even more adequate…much like the miserable lil sap getting pick LAST for dodge ball! Thanks JP! ;)

So after this exercise in confidence that was it the session was over and man was I glad! Emotionally not my best BUT I did it nonetheless. So for that reason alone I am happy. Don’t get me wrong I love what I am doing you may not be able to tell it by reading but for anyone who knows me and knows my love hate relationship with myself and humor you can see I am all good with this.

So till next time
Keep Runnin,


4/29/10 Personal Training Session 2

Personal Trainer Info:
Jonathan Pena (Angleton Local)
Currently: Running a boot camp that meets 3 days a week at Dickey Park

Today I went for my second class with Jonathan Pena..or killer as I will refer to him!
What is so funny is that he has this very nice sincere smile on his face as he telling you to do your 50th ab crunch or your 150th push up and he isn’t doing it sarcastically but still it hurts like Haiti!

Today it was only me and one other girl it was a nice and breezy. BUT the one thing I use to love about this park now make me sick to my stomach…Remember those “wonderful lovely scented honeysuckles” I blogged about a few notes ago…How it was so nice and relaxing to just smell them as I jogged by? (DRAG NEEDLE ACROSS RECORD) Scratch that they stink to high heaven and I hate, dare I say, the way they smell as I am pushin this ol’ body to go to it’s limits…seriously they make me wanna puke they are so sweet and strong.
How crazy it is that when you are in your personal set zone the world is lovely and pleasant but then you get put into someone else’s zone and the world is out to get cha and it stinks! LOL

Well I did have “that feeling” again today you know the ol up chuck one BUT this time I just pushed through and drank water and got through it.

We ran ½ mile warm up and as I was doing it I was think “Man what the heck am I do here? How much of this can this fat body take? WHY am I doing this I see no results!” Literally tears came to my eyes I wanted to walk off that Darn sidewalk and go home. Then I remember just today a conversation I had on FB with someone she had felt the same way and I was over her telling her to just push through and blah blah blah…I felt like such a hypocrite BUT I did it I pushed the tears away and I talked to myself and said…”Melissa you are hear bcs every time you couldn’t handle an emotion you ate…you were happy you ate…you were sad you ate…you were ticked off you ate…you couldn’t fit into the cloths at the store you ate….where the heck else did you think you would end up it that is all you did? No you will finish, you will stop feeling sorry for yourself, you will endure whatever the heck you have to to get back to where you are happy again…and you will STOP CALLING YOURSELF FAT!”

As we all know I use that term to describe myself a lot…like I have said before I do it to beat others to the punch. But this time when I said it it hurt MY feelings…how can that be? I mean can you really hurt your own feelings? All I know is that I felt like someone important to me had been disapproving of me…and I realized “Hey that is the first time I had ever considered my thoughts of me to be important” (not in a stuck up way but I know some of you will know what I mean).
For the first time I was important and I was expecting more and better of myself and I was not allowing EVEN me to talk down to myself….That was a real breakthrough for me today.

Mean while back at the park (and outta my head) We did a trillion ab exercises and this one thing I like to call “Count down to Pain” (Jonathan feel free to use that if you like). All I will say is that it involved 210 bicep curls and 210 pushups O YOU read right 210 of each…needless to say during this “Count down to Pain” I was seriously thinking “You know maybe I can break into his truck and take back my check (for the month of may) LOL”

BUT guess what…I FLIPPIN DID IT…it wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t without some moaning and gripping from me BUT I DID IT! WOW so now all I have to do is rest up tomorrow and get ready for my next session on sat…what a joy!

OH and a special thank you to my personal cheer team Brenda and Kay "Ya'll so craaaazy"

Till nest time
Keep Runnin


4/24/10 Fredericksburg Wildflower 5k ~ Review

Location: Fredericksburg (Hill Country about 5 hour drive)
Date: Sat 24th 2010 (17th annual)
Size of Run: About 700 runners in 5/10k combine

Well I made it to my 6th 5k in the last 8 mos. It was a nice one but for different reasons than some of the other ones i ran. Here is my personal take on the event.

The location was beautiful to the eye. A glorious sunny yet cool day with little humidity. There were about 700 people there in both the 5k/10k runs combine. I was talking to a local man (an avid runner) and he siad that in his opinion it was a good turnout considering in that area (San Antonio, Austin ect.) there were 24 other runs.

Because it was on the smaller side and bcs it was the 17th annual perhaps i had high hopes for things like parking, organization, time management, friendliness....ect. I was a little less than underwhelmed on most things listed.

Parking was hard to come by and since it was in the city square you really had to drive around and "just Park" where ever you could.

Organization was lackluster to say the least. There was an information booth with no one there to "inform” you half the time and the other half of the time the person there did not know what was being asked of them.

Time Management was lacking some as well. We got there on time and they were slow and a bit late to get things started. It was obvious that many runners were a little less than happy about delays

Friendliness was OK. I have been to other runs and for those people who know me you know i talk to any and everyone. But here it was strictly me and Brenda it seemed. Not many people talked to you much less said hello. well there were 3 people who said hello and thanks for running. BUT in comparison to other runs of bigger and smaller size it just wasnt there (as much)

Cleanliness WAS GREAT there was no trash anywhere and as soon as we dumped the drink on the ground during the run they were immediately picked up.

Water station well I forget where most of them are normally stationed (Lorella?) but this one was at 2 + miles and it made for a long haul.

Route although there were hills i loved it and it made for a very interesting run. It was great! And the route took us thru some neighborhoods that were nice and quiet.

Post Party well there was none. People kinda mingled but left soon after

Posting of times were quick but a little confusing and no one there to answer alot of runners questions

The fee was the same as others about 20-25 dollars

The shirts are one of the nicer ones i have had. Love the color

WOULD I RUN AGAIN...oddly enough YES i would mainly bcs of the route the ran…It was nice and challenging. I was able to make it a girl’s week-end and that made up for some of the other down points.

So till Next time
Keep Runnin

4/27/10 Personal Training Session 1

Personal Trainer Info:
Jonathan Pena (Angleton Local)
Currently: Running a boot camp that meets 3 days a week at Dickey Park

Ok well I did it. I had my first PT session with Jonathan today. It was a small group session with Me, Brenda and her sister n law. I must say i am both excited and disapointed (in myself). I really thought that i was a TINY INY itty bitty bit better then i showed today. I was truely about to kill over a couple of times.

i get to the park a few mins bf my session time, filled out an info form & talked to Jonathan about what i am kinda wanting from all this...then it was a half mile jog warm up. After that some stretching and the session started. We had running and wieghts and other "secret weapon stuff" lol that we all did. I swear that at the half way point i thought i was gonna throw up. I felt flushed and nauseas. As I was doing a few drills i was thinking "DANG fat girls arent suppose to be doing this stuff". We had a 2 mins break (suppose to be one but hey I was in the cornor deciding to up chuck or not) after the half way point i felt better. I felt like he was tough enough and yet able to really push and motivate me to keep going without being all "in yo face".

I was able to do everything and hang in there...ok so on the side shuffles i kinda did more like a wide step but then he got wise to it and turned around and faced us as we did them DARN IT! All i could think during it was "Man girl are you sure you wanna get your fat butt out here 3 days a week and do this CAN you?" and my answer at that moment was ...well nothing i could repeat. BUT as soon as it was over I felt great. i felt like I really challenged myself and accomplished something.

i am hoping that this will take my running to another level, tone me up and build my endurance. I have already made a friend who also come to Jonathan (Angelica) and she is very nice. She helped to keep me motivated too (She came during the last few mins of our work out).

So all that said am I REALLY going to go for PT? HECK YES i wouldn't have it any other way! Anyone intersted come check him out.

Over the past year I have tried to find a local PT and here is what happened......

#1 ~ This guy came highly recommended thru the Rec Center. I emailed a detailed email as to what my past was and what i wanted to accomplish (any of you who know me arent surprise to hear that lol). I waited, and Waited and waited and resent the email thinking Heck he is busy....NOTHING happened AT ALL

#2 ~ This Woman came reccomended as well thro the Rec. center a little weary I still met with her and talked to her about all the same stuff as mentioned above. Seemed nice and signed a contract. Paid hundereds to meet with her. Well we met the first time it was great....After that she was late several times (15 mins to 30 mins), had to cancel a couple of times and was a no call no show 1 time. NEEDLESS to say i talked with her and got my money back. She did DO the RIGHT thing But still it was a huge let down.

So here i am a year later and on Trainer #3...i have a good feeling about JP....Only time will tell :)

So Till Thursday
Keep Runnin,

Thanks Jonathan