Friday, February 18, 2011

2/18/11~Call it a Come back?

I'm Baaaaaaaack, I think.  Long time no blog, run, walk or even being active.  UGHH.  It's been so stinkin long since I have been in this areana I have no stinin idea where to start.  So I will take a moment to tell you where I have been since late 2010....

I have been Running..NO not "Runnin" but runnING as in running from my fears of starting this workout routine again (Since I went to the doc and got everything checked out), the fear of NOT being able to lose the wieght I have been wanting to lose for so long, fear of never being able to keep off the 15 lbs i lost from my Detox in Oct 2010...Running from all the YUCK that drug me down.  I was overwieght, depressed and really having a hard time dealing with things.  There was another runnING i was doing....runnING to the frig.  Anytime I would get overwhelmed, sick, sad, desperate for change straight to ol'Silver I would go (lol the color of our frig).

As of late I have been seeing so many of my peeps get up & go.  To be honest at 1st I hated to see the posts "Worked out today it was great" "Man feelin great after I worked my body till i couldnt anymore" "Boot Camp was Da Bomb" ...all those things I use to say & post others were out doing it....It SUCKED to see myself sitting behind the computer and just READING about it. 

Even tho i was happy for them I cold not help but feel sorry for myself.  Heck the craziest thing is that I THOUGHT about runnin on that treadmill 24/7..I was obsessed!  I would actually visualize me getting up, getting dressed, putting on my ipod and gage, stepping on the treadmill, warming up, walking, runnin, cooling down, getting off and then coming inside to take a drink, tae a shower and chill!  SERIOUSLY that alone took me 20 mins to really think thru so why the heck did I not get off my big butt and do it?
Well I was and still am SCARED and LAZY the ladder being the main of the 2. 
I dont know exactly why tho bcs i did this in 2009 and some of 2010 with a passion. 

Well reading the posts from my friends & mentors..Niki M., Shannan R. , Stacie B & Katie R. really got me itchin to wanna start again.  So Lastnight after some email back and forth to one of them i thought "Hell I can do this again...REALLY its time to get off my hind side and just do it!" 

So first thing this morning I got up and .....PUT IT OFF.  I mean I just wasnt feelin it ya know.  So I did what any normal rational person would do..I went to Wal-mart and bought a box of twinkies and a Dr. pepper...FOR real...I promised the good the bad and the ugly with this blog at ALL times!  So after eating more than I can remember of the twinkies After lunch I stood up walked to the Garage opened the door and slammed it shut....I put it off again.  Then about what 6pm tonight I got up ran to the room got dressed in a flash scrambled for my Ipod and ran to the garage and jumped on before i could say anything to myself. 
So after a half mile, 1 mile, 1.5 mile, 2miles i felt great.  i had a rythem i was feelin great and seatin up a storm.  It was stinkin AWESOME! 

So to my mentors Niki, Shannan, Stacie & Katie thank you...know it or not you have helped to motivate me and get me off my rump!

Till tomorrow when we will see what happens!
