Saturday, May 29, 2010

5/29/10 Now THAT'S a Coooool Feeling...........

Note: Years ago we had this radio station (104 KRBE) and there was this DJ named Psycho Robby and each day (I think) we would come on and read these "Cool Feelings" they were hysterical. People would call in and comment and how they too had those cool feelings. Now not everyone can relate to all Cool Feelings (and they are not all bad) but most people could IMAGINE how the person in the Cool feeling would feel.

In the Late 90's Alanis Morsette came out with well basically a song of "Cool Feelings" it was called "Ironic" you know "Like a free ride when you’re already there..or Rain on your wedding day..or having spoons when all you need is a knife"

Went with a friend to the "Houston Astros: 5k Race for the Pennant Race". Here are my Cool feeling for the day!

1.) Running a race without training for 2 weeks prior to...Hear the start horn, turn the 1st coroner and see the 1st of 4 INCLINING BRIDGES...Now THATS a Cool Feeling!

I swear to you tears came to my eyes in that instant....I was like "What the HECK I did not read about this in the brochure" I was looking around and seeing if my fellow Newbie runners in the back were thinking the same thing! I did the best I could to run up every bridge. Here I was back in April and worried about running in hill country and it was a breeze, I come here and was freakin out. We made it though!

2.) Being mistaken for some bodies "Mommy/Wife" by the HUSBAND...Now THATS a Cool Feeling!

Now what makes this one so wow is... It was the last .2 miles or so, I am running on the inside closest to the curb and there are people all along there cheering us on. Mainly it is family that has been there to cheer on Sons, Daughters, Dads or MOMS.
So I look up and there is this guy holding his baby (about 7 mos old) and he is telling the baby "Look baby there is mommy..say Yea mommy good job..." He was really loud and really waving that baby in your face he kept on and on...The problem was he was looking dead at ME! He locks in on me (I had sunglasses on so you couldn’t see me NOT locking eyes on him).
The closer I got the louder he got. I thought well surely the mom is behind me....Once I run in front of him I say hi and I HEAR him say 9to the baby mind you) "HEY that's NOT MOMMY I don’t know who that is!...oooooo Wait baby THERE is mommy YEA MOMMY COME ON MOMMY!"
I turn around a see my TWIN! She was 3 inches shorter, a bit rounder, and had dark hair with ton o bleach'in going on AND she wore a black, gray and white clearly I could see how we could get mistaken...Can you see the sarcasm?
I thought "Dude don’t you sleep with this woman and know what she looks like?"

3.) Seeing the manager from "On The Run in Pearland,Tx  NOT for me" Blog I wrote last month...Now that's a Cool Feeling!

Wow!  Crystal and I were driving around looking for a parking space and low and behold who do I see?  Mister..."Yeah my ex girlfrinend us eot complain about everything too!"  I was floored.  Well at the end of the race as me and the blue hairs (old ladies) were finishing up the race he and a groupd of "Elites" were running the course a second or third time to show offf I MEAN cool down...he looked right at me and kinda smiled I felt WIERRRRD.  But oh well why should i feel wierd?  (to really get this cool feeling go back and read that blog then you will see why)  As a great man once said "Thats all I gotta say about that!"

4.) Finishing Time being about 15 mins BETTER than you thought....Now THATS a Cooool Feeling!

So as I mentioned earlier on I had not run for 2 weeks..I have been going through stuff.  So I knew that this was going to be an embarrasing run to have to post.  But i had already bought the entery MOS ago and I knew I had to come back and post so I WAS GONNA RUN this. 
Now Given no training, 4 HUGE BRIDGES, and HEAT like no other to date for me during a run I just knew that I was dead meat. 
           Heat: Let me tell ya about this a minute.  We started at 7:45 Am SHARP (now i know to avoid this intense thick heat).  I promise you it was a muggy 85+ degrees out there today.  Given all the wierd medical stuff that has gone on in the news with celebs and with some people I know all i could do was seriously pray "God please dont let me die up here on bridge #2, Help me get through bridge #3 oh yeah and let me make it passed bridge #4!"  It was freakin HOT.
So with all that coming into play i just knew i would be running a 60 min + run..I had not done that yet and frankly that is embarassing.  As I ran past the crazy "There's mommy guy and baby" I came down the tunnel into Minute Maid park i saw the count down clock and it wa in the negatives SERIOUSLY!  That was it i knew I had run a 78 min 5k.  I didnt even bother to check my time till we left.
Once I did check it i saw i ran it in 46:55 not to shabby I added 5 mins from the last race but it was all good and hey I was ALIVE! Now THATS a Cool Feeling!

Till Next time...
Keep runnin,